Our Approach
AWM employs professional and full time personnel. Depending upon needs and budgets, new client organizations will generally be assigned a specific team composed of an Executive Director, and Executive Assistant. From that point, most other support functions such as receptionist, accounting, membership processing, publications, mail room functions, certification processing, plus general supervisory responsibilities and facilities are shared.
Our Story
Association Website Management (AWM) is an association management firm of experienced professionals whose purpose is to manage, in a businesslike manner, several not-for-profit organizations exceptionally well. Since 2018, AWM has successfully pioneered "multiple association management" in Texas. AWM has accomplished the goals of national organizations and we have managed to benefit the needs of start-up organizations we've served. AWM has steadily grown, by saving associations money via shared overhead expenses and sound management practices over the years. AWM has become one of the leading and most complete full service and project oriented association management companies in the United States. AWM is located strategically in the U.S. an equal-distance between both coasts and specifically in Temple, Texas the heart of Texas for our state associations.
Meet the Team
Just as you are a professional in your field, AWM is a professional in association management. We believe in professionalism and subscribe to professional standards of objectivity, integrity, honor; this attitude serves as an added benefit to our clients.
Stan Reed
Founder & President
8 years of working with not-for-profit organizations and over 30 years of programming knowledge.
Next Steps...
Management firms seldom grow and accumulate a history of experience, or longevity without a binding dedication to business ethics, financial honesty, fair treatment and tangible results for existing organization clients. AWM subscribes to the codes of professional behavior of both the American Society of Association Executives and the Institute of Association Management Companies.